Trader community BemyTrade

We provide ;
-Basic stock trading technique until advance analysis
- Weekly Watchlists / Market direction
- Watchlist Alert
- My personal trading notes / teaching access
- Stock discussion
-Personal/Group stock analysis consultation
-Trade planning.
-Market screening (Top-Down/ Down-Top approach)
Our trading technique is 100% based on Technical Analysis that we will teach and coach you.
The techniques include;
-Support resisant
- Chart pattern
-Multiple Timeframe comfirmation
-Candle confirmation
-Gann Number
-Indicators- Moving averages, RSI, divergence
-Simplified Elliot Wave.
There are 3 basis of Technical Analysis.
1) Price moves with trend
2) History repeats itself
3) Price action discounts everything.
You will learn how we analyse stock using those 3 principles and when to use those indicators. Its so simple that you'll be MINDBLOWNED!!
Get all these benefits in one time subscription for life.
No further upsell.
Our NEW price is RM 200
You will gain full access to our trading group.
We do automated registration via this website.
Be sure to key in your email. Group links and invoice will be given directly after payment completed. Refer to "PENGESAHAN PEMBAYARAN" email that you wil are going to receive after payment.
Contact us at for any issue.
Still undecided?
Free preview group as below .